King Cobra, a movie produced by James Franco about the murder of gay porn producer Bryan Kocis. The crime at the heart of King Cobra dates back to 2007 when Harlow Raymond Cuadra, 25, and Joseph Manuel Kerekes, 33, killed producer Kocis, owner of Cobra Video, in what police called a “misguided attempt to make it big” and lure Kocis’ big star and lure Kocis’ big star

  1. 長今的花園[第2話] 10.0 分
  2. 避孕套飞了 10.0 分
  3. 爱人[2007] 10.0 分
  4. 1992新女性宝鉴 10.0 分
  5. 换妻 10.0 分
  6. 海狼 10.0 分
  7. 弃卒 10.0 分
  8. 七匹狼 10.0 分
  9. 七日情[粤语] 10.0 分
  10. 蛇杀手 10.0 分