A look at the evolution of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, and Einstein's relationship with British scientist Sir Arthur Eddington, the first physicist to understand his ideas. BBC 拍的一部电影《爱因斯坦">A look at the evolution of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, and Einstein's relationship with British scientist Sir Arthur Eddington, the first physicist to understand his ideas. BBC 拍的一部电影《爱因斯坦与爱丁顿》。 爱丁顿是爱因斯坦相对论的推广者。1919 年,他通过观测日全食时太阳附近星体的位置[快来看视频网],证实了相对论。故事发生在德英两国互为敌视的历史背景中。[快来看视频网] 爱因斯坦与爱丁顿,限制级电影爱因斯坦与爱丁顿高清版手机在线观看。

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